An In Depth Look Into 𝐌𝐮𝐦𝐬𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐍𝐘𝐂
I have always enjoyed watching my mum cooking and baking, she makes the best meals, breads and she enjoys it! The family sitting around the kitchen table talking, peeling vegetables; we had to sit so as to keep out of her way; it was after all, her kitchen.
Watching the love she has for feeding her family and the care she shows as she puts a meal together is very inspiring. We were reminiscing one Sunday about our childhood treats; we decided to each try and find the treats from our childhood, mine is the Tamarind Ball! I searched and all I found were balls of sugar masquerading as tamarind balls, they had similar issues. We were on a mission to once again enjoy our childhood treats.
We started with the tamarind ball, combining our knowledge of what we wanted, how it should taste, and the texture were critical factors for the perfect Tamarind Ball! We worked to recreate the OG Mums recipe and after many trials and errors, I am thrilled to state we have the best tasting Tamarind Balls! We sold them to family and friends, great! now What? How do we get them out to others?
This occurred during one of the most trying times in our lives, the OG Mum and I were in what could have been a life ending accident. One beautiful crisp morning while we were on the way to therapy, my brother sent a text with the link information for the JamaicaFEASTS Program [its earlier name] as I read what was being offered, the tears of joy welled up and I felt in my aching bones this was what we needed! I started filling out the form on the bus as the deadline to sign up was fast approaching! I signed up and was accepted! The MuMs were so thrilled at the prospect of moving to the next step! I took the lead and once in class I realized they were many, many next steps!
During the twelve week program, with the direction of the amazing, talented instructors, the knowledgeable guest speakers and the need to bring The Taste of Home to the marketplace, MumsKitchens NYC was birthed!
Remember the Tamarind Balls?! We are thrilled to state we have the best tasting Tamarind Balls available for sale Online, PoPUP shops, Food Festival, Night Markets, around the boroughs. We have since added Delicious Breads, Scrumptious Cookies, Assorted Decadent Brownies, Vegan and Gluten Free options as well as our Famous Savory CodFish dish - a third generation recipe from the OG Grand Mama. Our menu has grown and we are very proud of our delightfully delicious decadent product offerings.
Thanks to the QueensFEASTS Program, the classes, the willingness of the instructors to share and guide each student to see their full potential and to paint a beautiful picture of what is possible; we are where we are today, ready to move to the next step on this wonderful journey - seeing our products on store shelves! MumsKitchens NYC is once again working with the QueensFEASTS program to make this a reality.
We are thrilled to be featured in newspapers articles which highlights what we have done and the plans we have for the future. We are excited about our partnership with Queens Center for Progress! Several Articles Here
We continue to work and are striving to expand the business into the wholesale market; become MWBE Certified and grow the business to where we are in a position to create generational wealth! MumsKitchens NYC wants to grow the business to the point where we hire people from the community, we make an impact that enhances the community and we are sustainable for years to come!
2020 was challenging when all our avenues for revenue dried up with the shutdowns - we turned to upgrading the website, - we added gift cards to purchase now to use later, or purchase now and gift them for later use
We continue to be right here for you! Working with you, and together, we are coming back stronger than ever! We will use this time to create inspired items that pulls at your heart strings and brings you, the Taste of Home.