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MUMS is a proud graduate of what is now called QueensFEASTS!
Serving the flavors of home
So far, the program has been a big draw for women entrepreneurs, who represent 75% of all participants.
Tress Walker, one of the MUMS @ MumsKitchens NYC, is a lifelong chef who often cooked for friends and family. Nevertheless, she was among the first entrepreneurs to sign up for Queens FEASTS because she needed help to launch MumsKitchens NYC. The business provides a space for other “mums” like Walker to network, share different culinary backgrounds, and sell their wares.
“FEASTS gave me a clear roadmap to get my business off the road and running,” says Walker, whose specialties include codfish topped with a crowd-pleasing Mango/Pineapple Dippin Sauce and a side of “Slap Yo Mama Cole Slaw.”
Walker isn’t the only woman at FEASTS selling food that’s based on recipes passed down through generations. Many women have built businesses around food suffused with the spices, scents and flavors of different cultures found throughout Queens’ richly diverse neighborhoods, says Monique Hector, manager of entrepreneurship programs at Queens Public Library.
“Their food is unique,” Hector says. “Their recipes have been passed down to them.